We Help You Look Good!
The Eye MDs know that you not only want clear vision and crisp hearing; you want to look good as well. We offer a number of services and treatments to help you look and feel younger. Check out some of the testimonials and product information below and contact us with questions or to set up an appointment for an initial evaluation.
Eye Lash Growth

As we grow older, our eye lash fullness slowly decreases and they become lighter in color. LATISSE® is the only FDA approved prescription treatment to grow eyelashes in people with inadequate or not enough eyelashes. It is applied to lashes on the upper lid daily. The lower lid and direct application into the eye are avoided to decrease risk of skin or iris hyperpigmentation. Lashes become fuller, darker and longer with LATISSE. Allergan’s studies show that on average, lashes will be 25% longer, 106% fuller and 18% darker after 16 weeks of LATISSE. Ask one of our doctors if LATTISE is right for you.

Botox is a purified protein that can be injected under the skin to weaken angry muscles and cosmetically improve your appearance. It is indicated to improve the lines between our eye brows called glabellar lines but often used to soften “crows feet “and other unwanted lines. The effects of Botox start within 24 hours of injections and improve remarkably over 7 days and even more over 30 days. The effect lasts three to four months. Download the Botox brochure (PDF).
All procedures and products above are undertaken at the patient’s own risk. Clinical results may vary for all treatments and may be different than the results listed or anticipated.